Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mole Problems!

As an extension of our class discussion about "The Mole" as a counting unit. In chemistry, a mole is the amount of a substance that contains as many particle as there are atoms in exactly 12 g of carbon-12. A mole contains 6.0221367 x10^23 particles. In our class we will use 6.022x10^23 particles in one mole. The particles can be atoms, ions, molecules, electrons and more. Another name for 6.022x10^23 is Avogadro's Number, from an Italian scientist, Amedeo Avogadro (1811). He stated that equal volume of different gases contain equal numbers of molecules at the same pressure and temperature.
Got any idea how large is 6.022x10^23 particles? You are all welcome to post your idea. While our textbook, "Modern Chemistry by Holt, Rinehart, & Winston described, "If every person living on Earth ( 5 Billion people) worked to count the atoms in one mole of an element, and if each person counted continuously at a rate of one atom per second, it would take about 4 million years for all the atoms to be counted.
Just for fun! Can anyone post the conversion or just describe how large is the Avogadro's number. Feel free to search Online or make your own.


Ryan said...

It would take four million years for five billion people on earth to count every atom in Avogrado's number at a continous rate of one atom per second because,the size of Avogadro`s number is determined by our definition of the mole. What it demonstrates is how small an atom or molecule is compared to the amounts of material we are familiar with in our everyday life, since the definition of the mole involves amounts of material we are completely familiar with. Example:
1. An Avogadro`s number of standard soft drink cans would cover the surface of the earth to a depth of over 200 miles!
2. If you had Avogadro`s number of unpopped popcorn kernels, and spread them across the United States of America, the country would be covered to a depth of over 9 miles!

Extra credit assignment
Ryan Lewis
Chemistry 9th peroid
10/20/08 10 grade

Anonymous said...

Description and Examples of Avogrado's Number...

If just one gram of carbon were expanded to the size of planet Earth, a single carbon atom would be something like a bowling ball.
Another way to imagine a mole is to consider the total number of computer operations-that is, the arithmetic operations occurring within a computer's circuits - ever performed by all computers in history. Even a small machine can execute millions of operations per second. Mainframes can do many more. Thus, the total operation count to date, though impossible to estimate precisely, must be close to a mole. It will undoubtedly have exceeded that by the year 2000.(

Extra Credit Assignment
Rana Nemri
Chemistry Period 8
10/20/08 10th Grade

Ms. T's Class said...

Ryan, you have a good example but you need to include the evidence using calculation, to answer first what is the surface of the earth? Did you calculate it in square miles? Going 200 miles depth?
Show the relationships to 6.022x10^23 particles? In your second example,can you elaborate your response so that your classmate can follow what you mean. It will be helpful if you give the URL for them to read as well.
I appreciate your posting as part of our "class discussion" beyond the classroom walls.
Mrs. T

Ms. T's Class said...

I like the way you included the links where you got your information. Your classmate can read it as well to share what they think about it. Your contribution to our discussion is appreciated.

Ms. T

Anonymous said...

Assuming that 10 crispy new $1 bills is about 1 mm thick, a mole of dollar bills would reach about 6000 light years into space, or about a fifth of the way across the galaxy we live in.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Tyagi!!

larel said...

i dont understand why it would take so long for people to countot that number when it seems that it would only take a few hours?

Ms. T's Class said...


I think you should read "anonymous'" estimate, that it takes about 3 Million years to count Avogadro's Number, 6.022x10^23 atoms/mol.
In addition see the conversion as well.
It will be interesting to find out how many people are there in your neighborhood and find out how long it will take your entire neighborhood to count it.

Good Luck ... in counting...

Ms. T's Class said...

Antonette... We know you have something on your mind to share with. Go ahead and we are anxious to hear from you.